Jesus continues his discussion with Nicodemus. Jesus points to the nexus of God's remarkable love and the faith of the believer that affects salvation. Jesus' contention that the Son has not come to condemn the world turns one strain of Messianic prophecy and expectation on its head. The Messiah is here to redeem (save) creation, which God loves. This is an important distinction even in 21st Century apocalyptic expectation. So often we are presented with the image of an angry God bent on destroying a world that has become evil. But Jesus tells Nicodemus that not even the Son has come to condemn. The world is something that Giod loves so much that he sends the Son to draw the world back to Himself. Jesus then turns to human choice and cooperation with God's plan. The one believes in that remarkable love of the Father is redeemed. The one who rejects the Son is one who "prefers darkness to light"and prefer wickness to goodness. The believer "lives the truth" and is attracted to light. The juxtaposition of Light and Darkness is a common theme in the 4th Gospel. Here in these short few verses Jesus summarizes the Johannine Gospel: God's love and human belief lead to light and life. Rejection of God's love (unbelief) will lead to condemnation, darkness and death.
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Fr. Bart Hutcherson, OPFr. Bart Hutcherson, OP is a Roman Catholic Priest & a Friar of the Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus-USA. He is on the Pastoral Staff at Most Holy Rosary Parish in Antioch, California, and uses this page to post Homilies and Scripture reflections. Archives
November 2015
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